Complete Sleep Plan (0 months-5 years)
Ready to tackle your child’s sleep challenges head-on? Let’s do it together with this two-week plan with support.
Your certified pediatric sleep consultant will first send you a detailed questionnaire for you to outline your child’s sleep problems. Upon receipt of your questionnaire and payment, they will send you a detailed sleep plan within 48 hours. You can schedule a call with your sleep consultant to review it (or make a recording on zoom to send you). You will then check-in daily with your sleep consultant at least in the mornings and at any time you have a question from the receipt of the sleep plan until 2 weeks after. Parents say this is their preferred choice as it gives us more time together to really study and strategize the challenges and make changes as we go.
Ready to tackle your child’s sleep challenges head-on? Let’s do it together with this two-week plan with support.
Your certified pediatric sleep consultant will first send you a detailed questionnaire for you to outline your child’s sleep problems. Upon receipt of your questionnaire and payment, they will send you a detailed sleep plan within 48 hours. You can schedule a call with your sleep consultant to review it (or make a recording on zoom to send you). You will then check-in daily with your sleep consultant at least in the mornings and at any time you have a question from the receipt of the sleep plan until 2 weeks after. Parents say this is their preferred choice as it gives us more time together to really study and strategize the challenges and make changes as we go.
Ready to tackle your child’s sleep challenges head-on? Let’s do it together with this two-week plan with support.
Your certified pediatric sleep consultant will first send you a detailed questionnaire for you to outline your child’s sleep problems. Upon receipt of your questionnaire and payment, they will send you a detailed sleep plan within 48 hours. You can schedule a call with your sleep consultant to review it (or make a recording on zoom to send you). You will then check-in daily with your sleep consultant at least in the mornings and at any time you have a question from the receipt of the sleep plan until 2 weeks after. Parents say this is their preferred choice as it gives us more time together to really study and strategize the challenges and make changes as we go.