Baby’s Cardinal Movements in Birth
Ever wonder what’s going on with your baby/babies during labor? How are they going to make it through the pelvis? Babies are smart and will try to accommodate the space that they are given. In labor, your baby must make four “cardinal movements” in order to be born.

What if my water breaks while I’m at work?
What is my water breaks while I’m at work? How will I know my water broke? These are all common concerns for pregnant persons, especially those with professions where you need to be on your feet and "on" in front of other people. Take it from me, a former middle school teacher during doula. A few things to know about water breaking…

Will a doula replace my partner in labor?
A lot of people wonder, “Will a doula replace my partner in labor?”
Short answer: NO!
Doulas “read the room” and check in with partners as well as birthing people to see what they need during labor and birth. In prenatal sessions, doulas get to know birthing persons and their partners so that when it’s “game time,” we’re on the same page. We understand a birthing person’s and partner’s motivations and philosophies, comfort zones, and concerns. We also know what it looks like if you’re not okay and what to do if you’re not okay, based on your preferences.