Baby Acne

Tiny pimples, big questions: The unexpected truth about baby acne

What is newborn acne?

Newborn acne is a harmless collection of small red or white bumps that spread across baby's face (nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead). About 20% of infants develop newborn acne anywhere from 2- 6 weeks of age. Although it's similar to adult acne, it does not have white heads or blackheads the way teenage/adult acne does.

Although we're not exactly sure what the cause of newborn acne is, doctors suspect the surge of hormones from the placenta during childbirth is a leading cause, as well as inflammation from yeast on the skin. Kind of similar to getting pimples during hormonal changes in menstrual cycles.

How long does baby acne last? 

The vast majority of newborn acne cases clear up within the first month. Some may linger up to 3-4 months of age, but will resolve and clear up without any scarring.

What can I do about newborn acne? 

Newborn acne will go away on it's own, but if you'd like to treat it a bit at home:

  • gently wash it daily with lukewarm water and pat dry (no scrubbing!!!)

  • use only baby safe products, including detergents

  • avoid oily products or products that leave residue

  • never put acne medication on it

  • talk to your pediatrician or dermatologist if you're concerned

Disclaimer: Doulas are not medical personnel and do not diagnose, perform any medical exams or clinical tasks. Information presented above is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a properly licensed health care professional.

For more help navigating the seismic shift into parenthood, reach out to the Boston Area Doulas team.
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