Pooping While Pregnant: What is and isn’t normal

A Chat With Danielle Shea Tan, Board Certified Functional Nutritionist

Many pregnant people experience constipation while pregnant. There are some normal hormonal reasons for this (hello estrogen!), but some constipation can be outside the range of normal. Check out the 60 second video below to learn more about what is normal and what is not normal when it comes to your digestion during pregnancy. If you have concerns, please let your medical provider know— whether it’s your OB, midwife, PCP, or nutritionist.

Some pregnant folks can experience diarrhea. There are some normal reasons why pregnant people may experience diarrhea, such as increased levels of prostaglandins. However, there are many more abnormal reasons why a pregnant people may experience diarrhea. For example, you may have an undiagnosed food allergy or an imbalance of gut bacteria caused by an overgrowth of e coli or yeast. This is a red flag and in order to identify the cause and best solution, reach out to your medical team and/or a functional nutritionist. Besides affecting your lifestyle, this could have implications for your nutrition intake and your baby’s gut as well. Check out the 60 second video below to learn more about why some people have diarrhea while pregnant.

You can learn more about Danielle’s clinical research and what it’s like to work with her at https://healthymamas.com/about/ and @www.instagram.com/dhealthymama/. She works offers a Prenatal/Postnatal Nutrient Assessment which can help identify nutritional deficiencies overlooked by conventional medicine. These nutritional deficients increase the risks of complications for mother and baby.


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