Newborn Poop

How Often Does a Newborn Poop?

Newborns poop pretty often! It's not uncommon for a baby to poop 2- 5 times a day, including after every feeding.

What Does Baby Poop Look Like?

Baby poops have an array of colors and textures.

  • Newborn poop looks dark and sticky (like tar) - its called meconium. This stage lasts a days to a week after birth.

  • Breastfeed baby poop is yellowish, green, or brown, and can be as liquidy as diarrhea. It will smell rather sweet!

  • Formula fed baby poop is thick and brown kind of like peanut butter

What is Not Normal For Baby Poop? When Should I Call the Doctor?

  • You notice blood in the stool

  • The stool is light, white, or clay colored

    • This could be an indicator the liver isn't producing bile

  • Diarrhea

    • Breastfed babies will have liquid poops, but smelly diarrhea is a sign of a potential infection or allergy!

  • Hard pebble like poops or straining with poop - signs of constipation

  • Lots of mucus in poop

    • Sometimes mucus in poop results from teething or a cold, but it's best to double check if there is a substantial amount

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