Newborn Poop
How Often Does a Newborn Poop?
Newborns poop pretty often! It's not uncommon for a baby to poop 2- 5 times a day, including after every feeding.
What Does Baby Poop Look Like?
Baby poops have an array of colors and textures.
Newborn poop looks dark and sticky (like tar) - its called meconium. This stage lasts a days to a week after birth.
Breastfeed baby poop is yellowish, green, or brown, and can be as liquidy as diarrhea. It will smell rather sweet!
Formula fed baby poop is thick and brown kind of like peanut butter
What is Not Normal For Baby Poop? When Should I Call the Doctor?
You notice blood in the stool
The stool is light, white, or clay colored
This could be an indicator the liver isn't producing bile
Breastfed babies will have liquid poops, but smelly diarrhea is a sign of a potential infection or allergy!
Hard pebble like poops or straining with poop - signs of constipation
Lots of mucus in poop
Sometimes mucus in poop results from teething or a cold, but it's best to double check if there is a substantial amount
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