How can I reduce the effects of trauma from my baby’s birth?

dealing with postpartum or birth trauma doula

A situation that feels sudden, overwhelming, or dangerous can lead to a trauma response. Fight, fight or freeze. As doulas, we try our best to reduce and prevent trauma.

It’s important to know one of the simplest ways to reduce the effects of birth trauma and vicarious trauma.

IT’S CALLED BILATERAL STIMULATION. It regulates the nervous system. It encourages better communication between the two sides of the brain. This helps emotional processing and regulation.

What does bilateral stimulation look like?
*Going for a walk
*Tapping foot on floor— alternate left and right (check out @katehenn.healing and @kristen.curtis)
*Listening to EDMR music with headphones on

Beyond these steps, if you or someone you know is dealing with trauma related to birth:
1. Know that posttraumatic symptoms are treatable.
2. Know that you are not to blame for a traumatic birth. You did your best under the circumstances.
3. There are opportunities to process your experience (ex: therapy, writing, new parent support group, acupuncture, mindfulness)
4. It is understandable to want to avoid the the doctor or hospital after a traumatic event.
5. See a mental health professional and PCP for appropriate treatment. Therapy options like Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, EMDR can help.


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